Here are some example projects for different target groups:
Symposium 2022
Our main annual event is the ICoBC Symposium, which is held traditionally one day before the OEB pre-conference. The ICoBC Symposium brings together the key stakeholders from various countries and sectors to talk about hands-on initiatives and lessons learned in the field of badges and credentials.
We are furtermore organising virtual events, webinars as well as local events for specific target groups, e.g. Inter-Governmental Organizations, corporations and associations.

ICoBC undertakes virtual visits to organisational issuers in order to assess their processes and practices, where possible both highlighting and sharing best practices to the benefit of both individual organisations and the broader learner-earner community. Consideration is given to local circumstances and constraints within the accreditation requirements, with accommodations made to enable flexible approaches to both issuing processes and to evidence meeting the core requirements of accreditation.

We are offering vendor-neutral consultation, including strategy workshops as well as peer-networking alongside our Maturity Model (BCM-FLO). We also review
Our workshops and consultations are conducted by experts who are specialized in the the respective field of the audience. Priority is given to ICoBC members, but we also recruit from a pool of associated networks.
Please contact us for more information.

We are running a series of projects from inception to realization. Our own OpenBadges server is open for interested parties to try out the potential that digital credentials are offering. We also do projects based on specific interests such as the formalization on non-formal learning recognition through a network of partners.
What we are particularly interested is enabling successful ecosystems of issuer, receiver and verifyer of digital credentials.

ICoBC commissions a range of reports on topics such as 21st Century Skills and Quality. Reports are matter of availability of experts.
If you are a researcher in the field of badges and credentials, you can reach out to us and let us know your field of interest. We will reach out to you if there is a matching request.

Resources and links
We are collecting useful links to projects, publications, tools or institutions around badges and credentials, skills etc.