We publish or host a variety of reports, white papers and articles around Digital Credentials and connected topics. Many stem from our working groups or otherwise promoted initiatives.
The ICoBC Taxonomy, Quality Criteria, and Quality Grid, authored by our Quality Committee, has been released: Download
ICoBC Taxonomy, Quality Criteria, and Quality Grid
Authored by our Quality Committee (Ebba Ossiannilsson [Chair] and Abtar Kaur [Vice-Chair]), we have released a report that aims at setting standards to ensure quality and scalability as the basis for Digital Credentials.

The Role for 21st Century Skills
in Badging, Micro-credentialing
and Skills-based Hiring
The report summarizes the current state of the field and identifies a set of gaps and actions that require resolution if all global citizens are to benefit from 21st Century Skills in the future of
Members of the Working Group:
Grame Barty, Naomi Boyer, Rhys Cassidy, Ketan Chandaria, Elena Dobler, Elena Dumitrascu, Beate Gallist, Gideon Geisel, Noah Geisel, Anitza Geneve, Rajinder Gill, Margo Griffith, Richard Hewitt, Stan Hickory, Kevin House, Satu Järvinen, Asheley Jones, Ali Kazmi, Lenora Knapp, Tara Laughlin, Lisa Lovett, Claire Mason, Jean-Baptiste Milon, Alaina Nickerson, William Ogle, Kate O’Rorke, Ebba Ossiannilsson, Gerard Pruim, Rolf Reinhardt, Rupert Ward, Rakeish Williams, Holly Zanville.

If you want to have a report commissioned, please write to secretariat@icobc.net.