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Self-service starter toolkit

The following “toolkit” was co-developed with the BadgEurope project. It offers a step-by-step approach to start and roll-out a Digital Badging and Credentialing project especially for organizations with limited IT capabilities. It covers several aspects that we identified as crucial for a successful and sustainable project, including organizational change, user-centric iterations, a clear understanding of the value to create, and connecting to a recognition network to create networks of trust.

The toolkit comprises 5 steps that are based on a collection of modules and resources:

  • Getting into the WHY of digital badges in your organization
  • WHAT and WHO do you need to create your digital credentialing system?
  • HOW will your technical solution work?
  • PILOT your digital badging system
  • SCALE; networks of trust and funding

The toolkit also provides access to a self-assessment that is part of the ICoBC accreditation.